Why is it that I struggle so much with setting (and FOLLOWING) routines for myself? I’ve read and thoroughly believe every word that Flylady Marla Cilley preaches about making routines that work (www.flylady.net). And I know for a fact that they do work – I am very strict with the evening routines for my kids, especially the elementary age daughter. She functions best when she eats at six, showers at seven, reads a chapter of our current book with me at eight, and then prayers go up, music turns on and the lights go out by 8:15. We wash clothes on the weekend when she has time to put them up right away & we use a 5 hole sweater shelf that hangs from the closet rod to organize her school uniforms for the coming week.
I know that I would function better if I had everything planned out and ready to go like that, but there is something inside me that just completely REBELS at the thought of me having to keep to a schedule like that - especially having a set bedtime! It’s almost like trying to make a typical 4 yr old eat brussel sprouts – the fit pitching, whiney little brat just takes over this otherwise sensible adult. I sleep better when I go to bed by 10. I get up better when I go to bed by 10. I’m not accomplishing anything productive if I am up past 10. In fact, I’m usually playing on Facebook or dozing off in front of the TV by this point in the evening, so WHY do I not just send myself on to bed where I can actually get some rest?
A whole nother schedule related issue (terrible grammar, I know and I apologize to all my grammaraholic friends, but that is just how my brain says it): Why do I refuse to make a cleaning schedule and then stick with it? Instead, it all gets put off until the weekend and then takes several hours instead of just 20 or 30 minutes per day. Also, I usually try to make menu plans before I grocery shop on Saturday morning, but it is such a painful chore that I put it off until the last minute & then harass the kids with it. “What do you want for dinner this week?” “Pizza”, “Hamburgers”, “Chicken Nuggets” – “Don’t y’all remember that we are trying to eat healthier? And besides, we just ate that this last week…” It’s not a very good start to the already un-fun weekly grocery gettin trip.
But enough complaining - let me tell you about my latest plan for self improvement. My mother suggested this over the weekend and it struck a cord with me, so I am going to give it a go. A multi-week rotating menu plan! This is not a revolutionary new idea, I know, but for some reason it makes sense to me now. She suggested a three week rotation, but my family has more favorite meals than that, so I started writing down ideas and came up with a six week version of our “Supper Solution”. All the Mondays are meatless. All the Tuesdays and Thursdays feature a salad plus a meat. All the Wednesdays are relatively quick to fix because we are so busy that night. It’s not Nobel Peace Prize worthy, but maybe it can bring a little peace to my Saturday morning grocery list making routine.
So why do I spill my guts about this for all of y’all to sit back and secretly laugh at me and my bratty, disorganized inner self and my feeble attempt at beating that brat into submission? Well, I guess I’m hoping for some accountability here with my latest attempt at getting organized. Not that I actually want any of you to call me up and harass me about my progress. (And if you remember my phone phobia thing, you know darn well that I’m not going to call anyone and report in.) It’s just that if I’ve put it out there, maybe I’ll do better at following through. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway.
Sleep well tonight on my behalf – I’m going to stay up too late again tonight and then wake up tired. I don’t think my inner brat puts up with too many changes (even good ones) all at the same time.