Let me begin this by saying that I have never in all of my life done any form of illegal drug. I do not support the use of illegal drugs. I don’t even like having to take prescription drugs. I am against the legalization of marijuana. I was a proud member of Students Against Drunk Driving back in high school.
Just Say NO!
Drugs are for thugs.
Wasted? So is your life.
Get High on Life, not on drugs.
Drugs: You use, you lose.
Hugs Not Drugs
Do dope, lose hope
This is your brain [hand holds up an egg] This is your brain on drugs [egg cracks into frying pan & sizzles] - Anybody else remember that one? It is my all time favorite anti drug ad. And speaking of favorite commercials, does anyone remember the 1980’s ad with the dehydrated food cubes & the voiceover that said “SEE-rip on that?” while dropping a little brown cube of syrup onto a steaming stack of pancakes? What were they actually trying to sell with that one? It has bothered me for years that I can’t remember what they were selling…
Anyway, back to the topic. The above was actually a pretty good example of why, according to my high school son, I am a crackhead. Lately I find that I am taking more of a stream of conscious approach to life. If it pops in my head & seems kinda humorous, I’ve just been letting it out instead of pondering if it will truly be received as funny by others until the moment has passed and there is no point it sharing it anymore. I also tend to make lots of funny faces. And burp. I’m thinking that last one is more of an acid reflux kind of thing, but since the last thing I want is another prescription to take every day (see first paragraph – don’t even like prescriptions, remember?), I’m just ignoring it for as long as possible.
But now I’m off track again. Another example of why he says I’m a crackhead happened last night while riding in the car. In the last week, there have been two black bear sightings very near our house. So, while driving home (by myself) from work yesterday I started thinking “Da Bears” from the ancient Chris Farley sports bit on SNL. Then I drove past a field of cows and appropriately thought “Da Bulls”. I said it out loud, just to see if I could get the right accent from the bit and thoroughly cracked myself up, laughing out loud for the last mile on the way home. Fast-forward to the evening. While driving home from church with the kids last night, we drove past the other bear sighting spot and I decided to share the afternoon’s antics with my children. My elementary school daughter was promptly frightened to be thinking of bears in the dark. But my ever loving and faithful son was quick to proclaim that I must be on crack.
He was laughing and methinks it was more “at” me than “with” me. I really don’t mind though – would you like to know why? Because he is in high school & he is still talking to me. This is the age when kids tend to clam up and not talk to their parents, but we are still conversing and laughing together. Now, I am not kidding myself. I know that there are lots of things that he chooses not to share, and that is ok with me – I’m sure most of them are things that I wouldn’t want to hear anyway. But the lines of communication are still open. I think I've still got a chance at getting through if there is ever anything serious we need to discuss. And if I manage to make him laugh while getting that point across, I’ll know he listened because he took the time to call me a crackhead.
You scared me a bit with the heading on this one... LOL. Then I was cracking up after I read it!!!